
Learn how to use the nuxt-battery module in your Nuxt 3 application.

This module exposes composables that are auto-imported by Nuxt 3.


This composable return info about your battery status.

<script setup lang="ts">const {  status, // number - between 0 and 100 (-1 means the plugin still loading)  charging, // boolean - true/false if it is charging or not  time, // number - battery time remaining in minutes  label // string - battery time remaining label } = useBattery()</script>

<nuxt-battery /> or <nuxt-battery-circle />

If you don't need to develop your own custom component, you can simply use this one to have a status battery.

<template>  <div>    <nuxt-battery />    <nuxt-battery-circle />  </div></template>
<template>  <div>    <nuxt-battery      :show-label      :show-percentage      :dark      :colored    />    <nuxt-battery-circle      :show-label      :show-percentage      :dark      :colored    />  </div></template>
showLabelbooleanfalseIf you need the remaining time label close to the battery icon
showPercentagebooleanfalseIf you need to show percentage in battery icon (and label)
darkbooleanfalseDefault battery icn border is white, choose dark if you need black
coloredbooleantrueIf you need to show green, yellow and red color in battery icon